Forum:NEW FORMAT!! UnNews

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > NEW FORMAT!! UnNews
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6285 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

UnNews Gets New Format

This is an informational notice for UnNews writers and people generally interested in UnNews.

The new format is on display for viewing at UnNews:Main_Page_opt3. Info is available at UnNews_talk:Main_Page_opt3.

Discussions can take place here or at the above talk page or at the original talk page: UnNews_talk:Main_Page.

There are some tweaks that can be made, but will only be done if there is consensus to change to the new format. The new format uses the old templates as-is. By modifying templates early, it may wreck the flow of the current page. As a note though, there will be no change in the way that articles are made or placed into the lead sections. (I am continuing to work on some other supporting templates.)

If you have any ideas, thoughts, opinions, .... --HPSig.PNGHP talk KUN.png Icons-flag-pi.PNG 18:05, 30 December 2006 (UTC)
