Zen Mukbang

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Stuff yer gullet full of prasadam.

Zen Mukbang (Corean: 선종먹방) is the heterodox practice of *SLUUUURRRPP* gaining enlightenment through the practice of realizing that the *SIP SIP SIP* food that nourishes and body that consumes it is ultimately *MMMM OH THAT'S GOOD* impermanent and that the *BURP* cycle of life and death *EXHALES DEEPLY* is like the act of consuming food. *CHEWS LOUDLY* The ultimate goal of Zen Mukbang is to become aware of the present moment *OM NOM NOM MANI PADME HUMM* and to appreciate the simplicity of a bowl of rice *SWALLOWS AUDIBLY* in a clash of tranquility and gluttony. *BIG GULP* It's like the sound of one hand clapping but with your face full of noodles.*GNASHING OF TEETH*

Obscure Origins[edit | edit source]

The true origins of Zen Mukbang are shrouded in mystery, but some scholars speculate that it was a result of a miscommunication during a Zen meditation retreat in Corea. According to legend, a group of monks were practicing their silent eating meditation when one of them accidentally let out a loud slurp, breaking the deafening silence. Rather than reprimanding the offender, the Zen master in charge simply exclaimed, "Ah, Zen Mukbang!" The rest of the monks, caught off-guard, decided to follow the example and began slurping their food with gusto. The practice quickly spread and gained popularity, eventually becoming a staple of Korean cuisine and internet culture.

Famous Zen Mukbangers[edit | edit source]

When you are finished,[edit | edit source]

Wash your bowl.