User talk:MorganStein

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If you are commenting on this page you may have one of the following...[edit source]

Anxiety Disorders - Asperger Syndrome - Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity - Autistic Disorder - Bipolar Disorder - Borderline Personality Disorder - Capgras Syndrome - Child Behavior Disorders - Combat Disorders - Cyclothymic Disorder - Dependent Personality Disorder - Depressive Disorder - Dissociative Disorders - Dysthymic Disorder - Eating Disorders - Firesetting Behavior - Hypochondriasis - Impulse Control Disorders - Kleine-Levin Syndrome - Mental Disorders - Mental Disorders Diagnosed in Childhood - Multiple Personality Disorder - Munchausen Syndrome - Munchhausen Syndrome - Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Narcolepsy - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Paraphilias - Phobic Disorders - Psychotic Disorders - Restless Legs Syndrome - Schizophrenia - Seasonal Affective Disorder - , Psychological - Sleep Disorders - Somatoform Disorders - Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic - Substance-Related Disorders - Suicidal Behavior -Trichotillomania -

America[edit source]

Yeah people may think that we are trying to take over the world or some crap, or that we are the fattest country, or whatever else. But far be it from me to point out the fact that we just try to help turn a dictator ruled country into a free one. The buildings full of tortured bodies in warehouses was perfectly acceptable to everyone else? That even if a lot of people are overweight, at least we still have livers left unlike the alcoholic Frenchies. We have some of the highest paying jobs. I don't care what you say. At least in America I realize we have freedom of speech so I will let you say what you want. I'll let you use a right that America was the first to acknowlege. But if you piss and moan because America has nukes and we tell others not to, consider the fact that we don't want to take over the world and that we don't want someone else to try. Far be it from me to point out the truth.

This is the turnip from planet nebulon.[edit source]

I really like this site because it is so *ehem* colorful. Yeah thats it colorful. ~Carl

  • Icons-flag-us.png Why can't the foob realize that this is not the most interesting thing ever.

Yes it is!!!!

  • Icons-flag-us.png No it is not

Yes it is!!!

  • Icons-flag-us.png I am going to come after you with a chainsaw

You'll never find me!!!

  • Icons-flag-us.png Wanna bet?

I'm gonna go now. Bye

  • Icons-flag-us.png Coward