User talk:Frosty the wanker

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One thing that Uncyclopedia is absolutely full of is idiot vandals, who just love making a mess and think it's really hilarious and stuff like that. Well, I'm here to bring a simple fact to the attention of those idiotic morons; for lack of better, more insulting words:


You're probably thinking you've removed all the text and now there's no way whatsoever to retrieve it and put it back. Well, unfortunately for you, that's just totally wrong. I would now like you to turn your attention to Exhibit A:

All previous versions are stored, I can undo it, I can rollback it. The point is that your stupidity is likely to stay there for an astounding 2 minutes.

Well, that's just about it really. It only takes an editor 2 minutes (at most) to notice you've vandalized something and 2 seconds to change it back. Whilst it might have taken you 20 minutes to imagine up your essay and click that save button with glee, all your hard work can be undone in a fraction of that time.

"But what if I vandalize so many pages you couldn't possibly revert them all?"[edit source]

Hmm yeah, why didn't I think of that and create a tool to fix that?

Oh wait I did.

Rv all.png Nuke extension.png

The next stage[edit source]

Well, really, if you have learned from all this rambling, there is no next stage, but if you follow the naive belief you can get away with it, your username will end up here and everyone will laugh at pity you, your lack of intelligence and your stupid belief that you could actually get away with trying.

Keeping track of Vandalism[edit source]

This is what essentially makes vandalism as pointless as it is. Using the Recent Changes tab located on your sidebar I can view up to the last 500 changes to Uncyclopedia. And when I see this edit:

05:29 Curious George‎ (diff | hist) . . (-11,543) . . (Talk) (←Replaced page with 'Okay! I admit it. I'm gay!') [rollback]

I laugh, undo it in 1 second and report you to an admin.

So, in summary, if you think it'll be amusing to vandalize Uncyclopedia, just remember that it doesn't work. I can revert it easily and in the blink of an eye.

Writing is fun![edit source]

Did you know that writing articles for Uncyclopedia is scientifically proven to be ten times more fun than vandalizing them? So say you're sorry and get writing for goodness' sake; we love our writers and they always get laid. (Results may vary.) --Zombiebaron, zombiebaron, zombiebaron! KittyKitty (t) (c) 00:52, October 30, 2011 (UTC)