User:XXx ch33kyscrublord360noscopsxdhd xXxXx/Text-Based Dead Ops Alpha

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0/10 Best game in the universe. -Some kid who people regret his existence on Text Based Dead Ops Alpha

Text Based Dead Ops Alpha is the best version out there -Captain Obvious on Text Based Dead Ops Alpha

Wikipedia is best pedia. - Idiot that is trying to change the subject. Besides, Uncyclopedia is best pedia.

Whoops! Maybe you were looking for The text based version of Counter Strike Global Russian Simulator

Text Based Dead Ops Alpha is a huge success that is trying to proceed into beta but Valve is is not letting them because of the game "NOT" finished when it really is.

Storyline[edit | edit source]

Who the hell cares, there is totally a storyline.

How to win[edit | edit source]

Here are the steps to win Text Based Dead Ops Alpha

Step 1: Alright, this is the most important step. You have to check to see if your computer is healthy enough for gaming. A Red Screen Of Death isn't a good sign and must be treated immediately or you'll die of radiation poisoning.

Step 2: Launch Steam. This is an easy step.

Step 3: Wait for the "Summer Sale" to come up. Because the game costs about $999.99 USD. Pennies only. The sale will reduce the cost to $59.99 USD. Credit Card Only.

Step 4: Did I said that you have to move to East Korea for the game to actually work? No? Then you have to.

Step 5: buy the game. This is one of the most important step.

Step 6: run the game.

Step 7: use the dev command console (DCC) and type some combat skills with the DCC. You can chat with pals.

Step 8: Repeat Step 7 Continuously until it says "game over, victory"

Some boring gameplay because you have nothing else to do[edit | edit source]

Starting server

Server successfully started

Pewdiepieimperson8r joins the server

Qualitygamer joins the server

Pewdiepieimperson8r says: hay quality

Qualitygamer says: We all know you're not the real Pewdiepie.

Pewdiepieimperson8r says: ur rite

Qualitygamer says: why the hell did you chosen that name? You just want the views and likes isn't it?

Server: Qualitygamer, you are not allowed to swear in this server. The server has baby mode on. Say more bad words and you will be banned from the server.

Pewdiepieimperson8r says: folow teh rulz or u get band xd

Server: Qualitygamer has picked up the wind machine

Qualitygamer says: PREPARE TO DIE ZOMBIES!!!

Pewdiepieimperson8r says: is di a bad wrd?

Server: no "die" is not a bad word. AND FIX YOUR GRAMMAR, NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND YOU!

Pewdiepieimperson8r says: ur meen!

Pewdiepieimperson8r left the server like a crybaby... idiot


Qualitygamer says: what?

Server overload. Shutting down the server...

Qualitygamer says: uh oh...

Server shutdown complete, sending shutdown reasons to valve like they would care

Well that was stupid.

Whoops! Maybe you or I should STOP this random Whoops! thing K?