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 Further West Score: 5 Moves: 3

> go west
You go farther down the path when suddenly you come upon a train station.

> Wait, doesn't this happen in..
Don't criticize me, I'm getting there. You can see the guy who lives in the nondescript house of nondescript size boarding a train. The train takes off..and the dumbass kung-fu kicks out the window.

> I knew it.
Don't say it.

> You're totally
I said don't say it.

> You're ripping off Zork.

> JA
NEIN NEIN NEIN! I'm just making this adventure coincide with Zork 1, okay? What's so bad about that?

> People will realize you can't have an original idea of your own.
....I'm making shit up here, aren't I?