User:Treblescythe/British Soldier freed from coup charges

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3 November 2009

A British soldier involved in an attempted coup in Equitorial Guinea was released earlier today, 2 years into a 34 year prison sentence.

Simon Mann's family, who have not seen him for 5 years, expressed their delight at the change of heart of the government.

"Everyone is profoundly grateful to the President and the Government of Equatorial Guinea. The whole family is overjoyed at the prospect of finally welcoming Simon home after five-and-a-half long years away."

4 other men caught alongside Mann - Alan du Toit, Sergio Cardoso, Jose Domioes and George Alerson - were also released in the same deal.

President Teodoro Obiang Nguema granted the five men a full pardon for humanitarian reasons, said Supreme Court Chief Justice Obono Olo, the attorney general who prosecuted the coup plotters last year.

But this reporter dug deeper, and after tresspassing on the President's mansion, saw several SAS men holding rifles to Nguema's head whilst he signed the releases.

The deal for Mann's freedom was allegedly struck in two months of "talks" at the Ritz Hotel and the nearby Equatoguinean Embassy in London.

Mann had spent several years in Zimbabwe's Chikurubi prison, famed for its male-bonding social events, and Black Beach prison in Malabo, said to have even more of a nightlife.

Now that Mann has been released, an expected coup to overthrow the British government is expected.

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