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 Closet Score: 0 Moves: 0

> So What?

Man, you have never played Zork before, have you?

So what? What the hell do you mean 'so what'? You die from the blood loss. Your leaky carcass is then sucked dry by a Squig.

*** Due to an interruption in your body's delicate parts and/or chemistry, your brain has ceased to function in a manner which is appropriate to keep you in some state of consciousness ***

Would you like to reincarnate, a phenomenon which is actually scientifically impossible, but can be done within this game; browse a variety of pre-made save-files; or cease to participate in this particular session of Grueslayer, and return to the menu screen from which you can choose another option related to Grueslayer? (type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):