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 Las Vegas Score: 235 Moves: 102

> Go to Gilligan's lakeside resort

You step toward the road and flag down a taxi. One pulls over, and you get in.

> "Southdown Lake Resort, please."

"Si, senor." replies the driver, an atrociously offensive Mexican stereotype. The taxi starts moving, and you relax in the back seat.

Much, much later, you find yourself waking up in the same seat; judging from the light, it’s the crack of dawn. Apparently, it’s a really long drive, and you’ve been sleeping like a fat, ugly baby throughout more or less all of it. But even as you realise this, the taxi pulls to a halt. "Here we are, senor." says the stereotype.

> Pay driver.

You hand the stereotype his fee and tell him just what his stereotypical nature is doing to race relations in America. You then get out of the taxi and observe your surroundings.

You're standing before the security gate of a glitzy-looking enclosed neighbourhood. Just beyond the rows of posh white houses, you can make out the surprisingly natural-looking lake.

Whatcha gonna do?