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 Aeroplane Score: 210 Moves: 94

> Board the plane to Las Vegas.

So be it; it's off to the city of bright lights and addiction-initiation. You pick out the ticket and head for boarding gate 5. The line for first class passengers is separate from the others and phenomenally shorter, and you don't pass off the opportunity to demonstrate your superiority over the lesser passengers by tripping up an old lady leaning on a walker.

Entering the plane, you're directed to a massive, armchair-like seat with a TV screen before it. During the boring ol' safety demonstration, you try to show your appreciation for their concern for your safety by sticking your hand up a flight attendant's skirt. Consequences are painful, but you didn't need all that blood anyway.

The plane takes off, and several hours pass as the sun starts to set. You kill time by watching brainless old action movies on the TV screen and poking the girth of the fat guy sitting next to you. He says some boring crap about being a lawyer and something called a lawsuit and the Supreme Court, but you brush him off with an intellectual 'meh'.

Some time into the flight, however, everyone's attention is drawn by some indistinct shouting up at the front of the plane. And some agonized screaming. A few seconds of silence follows, followed by the captain's voice sounding on the loudspeaker:

"Attention passengers: this is your captain. We would ask that you remain calm. We have experienced a temporary technical setback, as one of my co-pilots has turned out to be a Were-Grue, has eaten the entire flight crew and bitten both my arms off, and is currently gnawing at my pancreas while screaming 'You have the Grueslayer to thank for this!'. However, be assured that the situation is under our full control and will be fixed in a few minutes."

The speaker falls silent, as does the rest of the plane for several minutes. People glance at each other nervously. Then, quite suddenly, the cabin door at the front of the plane shatters and a Were-Grue bursts out.

"The Grueslayer shall not prevail!" screams the Were-Grue to the entire plane before lunging at the nearest passenger and proceeding to feast on his liver.

People start to grumble about poor service or scream in mind-bending terror. The plane starts to plummet rapidly. The Were-Grue flings the plane door open and tosses a screaming passanger out of it. The plane starts to de-pressurize and the oxygen masks drop from the roof.

> So, all in all, not a good start to the trip?

Indeed. What do you do now?