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 Martins Hotel lounge Score: 180 Moves: 88

> Squirt the bottle of Benson's Pancake-Flavoured Pancake Syrup at Bryce

Whipping out the bottle of Pancake Syrup, you are all of a sudden overcome by an inexplicable feeling of confidence and bravery. You unhesitantly aim the bottle of syrup at Bryce and let it fly at him without a moment's thought.

You feel a powerful sense of satisfaction when it hits him directly in the face, splattering all over it. And then, to your enormous surprise, the charging Bryce stops directly in his tracks, letting his sword fall limp.

"Mmm...the essence of Benson." he says in an almost suggestive way, and then begins to lick the syrup lovingly off his face. It's downright creepy. In any case, he's now in some sort of trance and seems to have completely forgotten about you.

> Ooookay...

Just call it a relgious epiphany, okay?