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 Bensonist chamber no. 999999999999999999999 Score: 0 Moves: 71

> Stay still, safe in the knowledge that the Grues won't chew through my bulletproof armor

You stand still, losing all sense of fear as a conviction that the Grues won't chew through your armor overwhelms you. Yes, conviction...

> Uh oh...those italics can't mean anything good when it comes to you.

Indeed; for the Grues do chew through your armor. In fact, they find it quite appetizing.

> WHAT?!

It's made of leather. Which is made from animals. And Grues love anything even vaguely related to flesh.

> ...are bulletproof vests made from leather?

Hell if I know. It's a plot device. The best part is that there's no plot, which makes it acceptable.

> Oh for the love of...

*** The Grueslayer has been slain! ***

Would you like to automagically reanimate, go back in time to fix all of this, or quit altogether? (type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):