User:Trar/Game:Grueslayer/ch2/wait in restaurant2

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 Chapter 3! Score: 50 Moves: 56

> Wait longer

Fighting back the tears and the urges to drink your own blood, you sit still and wait longer. The depression becomes so overwhelming that you probably miss your appointment with the deputy at the station, but you don't notice; your bizzare sympathy for the empty restaurant becomes greater as your will to live diminishes, and you become sure you won't make it.

But it's as you get to your feet and move to the front of the restaurant, intending to smash the front window and chew the glass until you die of internal bleeding, that Megabotz suddenly materialises in front of you.

"Grueslayer!" he says. "Thank goodness I found you! Your friend the female deputy has been kidnapped!"

> Again?! She have Stockholm or something?

"I don't know. All I know is that she was grabbed by some masked men on her way to the police station. On my way here, another masked man stopped me and told me to give you this." He reaches into his pocket and hands you an evelope.

> Open envelope

The envelope contains a platinum credit card made of actual platinum and a note.

> Read note


If you want to see your friend again, be at the Martins Hotel within the next three hours. Use this credit card to book a room there. Further instructions forthcoming.

Well well, looks like you've made it to...

Chapter 3: The Rescue

> Oh, happy day. Inventory, please.

You've got:

An empty pistol, a scalpal, a slightly burnt steak, a catheter, flame gear, a bottle of pancake syrup, and a platinum credit card.

> So...where's my save file?


> ...yes?

I'm...not sure how to make them.

> WHAT?!

Yeah, yeah, I'm new at this. Look, just give me a little time to figure it out. Just remember the URL for now.

> Sigh…whatever.

“I have to go now.” says Megabotz. “Someone set all the Land of Flame’s trolls loose, and we’re trying to round them up.” He then dematerialises again.

Now what?