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 Conniving Score: i pwnz u

You PM Conniving, the PvP Moderator.

Conniving: 'Sup.

> Why does Budgie get a cool tower and I get a slag heap of a base?

Conniving looks at Budgie's base in shock, then at your base.

Conniving: Good question.

Conniving then looks around nervously.

Conniving: Look, i'll help you out here. I didn't give him a tower of a base, and I wouldn't. Take this.

Conniving hands over an Electron Hand Cannon, one of the most powerful weapons in all of Grueslayer.

> Sweet! :D

Conniving: Just remember to give it back. Oh, and if you see any artifact shards, tell me.

> Shards?

Conniving: Yeah, I think they're scattered around the PvP Center. People must be holding them. So ask around for me. :D