User:Tragicbooty/The Fifth Element

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The Fifth Element - Brucium[edit | edit source]

Notice element number 5: Bruceium

Chemistry of the element[edit | edit source]

Brucium is the fifth element in the periodic table and is symbolised by both the letter "B" and its blue uniformed appearances. Several different forms of Brucium exist. The spiky crystalline form is noted for its extreme hardness (especially by the eastern Europeans), but other forms are much softer. Found to a certain degree in all the worlds oceans, twelve separate compounds have been discovered to date.

One of the earliest types of Brucium found was discovered in France and was radioactive. It threw out so much heat it literally got the mercury rising. It has a half-life (or Demi-mort[1] in French) of about 11 years.

Discovery[edit | edit source]

The discovery of Brucium was eventually confirmed by Japanese scientist Yip P Kiyay of Nakatomi Laboratorys in 1980. A die-hard fan of science-fiction he first postulated the existance of Brucium while moonlighting as a substitute chemistry teacher in 1979. Mocked by his superiors, Yip made some extraordinary leaps of the imagination while searching for the element and he clearly had a sixth sense for these types of discoveries, because a mere five months later he found what he was looking for.

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Structure[edit | edit source]

  • (picture of Bruce's face on an atomic diagram)*

Uses[edit | edit source]

  1. Lit. Half Death