User:Tom mayfair/Mr. Winkler

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Im sory that i cald u GAY, I sory tht I cald u THE WORST PERSON EVER, im so sory. i promse tht i wil do my homwok on time ad i wil promse nt to cal u GAY evar agin. jut plese dont kick me ot of privte schol, plese, im beging you!!1!!!1!!11!, il promse to redo the wok u gav me n F on, il promse to com ovr and vist ur family, il promse to do anythng u wnt. just plse dont kik me ot, its fr the famly shakes, plese fid forgvnes n ur hart mr winkler. plese lok into ur hart nd giv me anothr chnce!!!11!!1111 IM SORY!!!111!111111!1!!!!1!1!1!!