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Hello, Thenamesshaun is a highly critical and sometimes accidentally racist person. His First ever page was on the 'Black Santa' page on uncyclopedia, he is 14 years of age, and he has served in every single war, including the PooTitty war. This war took place on the 17th of January, 3008. Yes i know, theres a moral to that non-fiction story, and that it that 'time machines will be created in 1000 years time'.Black Santais a page about a black santa, he is a real blad, brother , homeboy and shizzler ma nizzler. Yes, some people may think someone with these sort of nicknames has been in the nick a few time, but yes you are right. See steven hawking if you want to see a picture of thenamesshaun, just look for the dude in the wheelchair, the one biting off his right shoulder. thenamesshaun has also developed his own type of evil laugh, it goes something like this, 'dfjkjnsdjfnjdsnbfvgjdsnbjfvdsnb jnbsd'. Yes, slightly deranged and a bit off key, but itll do. thenamesshaun also starred in the film, The Exorcist, the spastic on the bed spewing everywhere, yeah thats him. I dont know why he talks in the 3rd person, he dont know,he likes to. See either The Grudge, The Thing or Shaun of the Dead if you want to see some holiday pictures of thenamesshaun. thenamesshaun also has a girlfriend, his name is Barney. He is quite cool. thenamesshaun also follows a religion, that religion is Jediism. This religion was started by Master Yoda, who lives on 31st. Thats all for now, thenamesshaun is getting bored of typing.