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Jesus Loves This Page

The Jee Man Himself has Shown, in His infinite Wisdom, that He is the Ultimate Purveyor of all things Awesome, Nifty, Spiffy, and generally Interesting. He has personally Reviewed this page and Given His Blessing. The submitter may be Forgiven three venial sins or one mortal sin.

Newcookie.gif Somebody has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.


The Sign of Theditor

Theditor Is a dedicated member of the many people who chose to sign up with Uncyclopedia, though anybody can edit it. He is best known for using his Fozilla MireMox with the Giggle toolbar to Spellcheck Uncyclopedia one article at a time. Even as we speak, he is spell checking Kenny McCormick's article, and the AAAAAAAAA! article. You can tell he has struck by the use of proper grammar and spelling in the articles he has edited. He is a ruthless spelling Nazi...though contradictorily Jewish.

Signs of Theditor[edit | edit source]

  • All the words of "Internet" are capitalized, and organized in order of birth. All references to -Chuck Norris- are Bold, hyperlinked, and winged with little -'s.
  • All "n00b" words are replaced with "Noob" and all leet is corrected to their original English.
  • Proper nouns are capitalized, improper nouns are not, unless they are at the beginning of a sentence, or in the title of a Movie, Book, Poem, Short Story, Magazine, etc...

Steps if you come across Theditor[edit | edit source]

Dealing with Theditor is simple.

  • Put as many spelling mistakes as possibible. This should distuberact him long enough for u to get away.
  • Simply leave
  • Gain wrist control, and then pull out your gun
  • Call Virtual Chuck Norris to run Roundhousekick.exe on his virtual a$$drive.

If all else fails, Simply Destroy your computer.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Theditor has made a name for himself on Wikipedia,, And numerous Forums. Keep your eyes peeled.
  • He is the love child of -Chuck Norris- and Shigeru Miyamoto.
  • He is sometimes known as Theeditor, The Editor, and Happy_GoGo75.
  • He can be seen from Cyberspace.
  • He did not create this article
  • His teeth are the blades in a Blendtec Blinder.
  • He is one of the few who can touch Chuck Norris' Beard and only fall into a coma.
  • He is the Nintendo Alchemist
  • He has a zanpukuto in the shape of a Wiimote
  • He can chew through your arms. All 5 of them.
  • He is leader of the Adopt a Nude Beach association.
  • He has struck.