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            *I join*
	<JWR|Privateer>	Oh, yes, I want to know what idiot gives those goblins the ability to use fire from their hands and be so dumb at the same time...
	<Sgt_Johnson>	Hi TheLedBalloon
	<Sgt_Johnson>	:/
	<TheLedBalloon>	hello
	<JWR|Privateer>	Yo
	<TheLedBalloon>	yo yo yo
	<--|	AdmirableAckbar has left #halopedia
	<G-23|Away>	that was painful.......
	<G-23|Away>	why does this goddam ghost have to kill me 5 times in a row?!?!?!?
	<G-23|Away>	All I want is the freakin rocket launcher to kill it with!:P
	<TheLedBalloon>	so....halo....
	<TheLedBalloon>	yeah...
	<TheLedBalloon>	it's certainly a game.
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<Obito>	Yah.
	<TheLedBalloon>	yep, definitely a game
	<JWR|Privateer>	Why, you think we don't know it?
	<TheLedBalloon>	there's no denying that
	<JWR|Privateer>	XD
	<G-23|Away>	and that telling him he was banned was also fairly painful....
	* G-23|Away	eats TheLedBalloon for misspelling lead
	<G-23|Away>	:P
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: are you being an idiot on purpose?
	<TheLedBalloon>	HaloDude: no, it was an accident, I swear!
	<Manticore>	n00bs, whois him
	<HaloDude>	oh hey Manticore :)
	<G-23|Away>	I did
	<Manticore>	hai
	<JWR|Privateer>	All I learned fromt he whois is that he uses Chatzilla...
	<G-23|Away>	He is New Now Know How
	<TheLedBalloon>	I know why you're here, Halodude. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for it. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when I found it, I learned I wasn't really looking for it. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, HaloDude. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.
	<JWR|Privateer>	Ah, never mind, just saw that, too.
	<Sgt_Johnson>	O_O
	<Obito>	O_O
	<G-23|Away>	HaloDude.....
	<JWR|Privateer>	WTF?
	<Manticore>	umm, #uncyclopedia user or what?
	<Sgt_Johnson>	HaloDude...
	<TheLedBalloon>	uncyclopedia?
	<TheLedBalloon>	you mean /encyclopedia/
	<G-23|Away>	what have I told you about telling your stalkers about #halopedia!!!!
	<JWR|Privateer>	HaloDude can't think deeper than a potato!
	<G-23|Away>	:P
	<G-23|Away>	nope
	<TheLedBalloon>	silly typos, teehee
	<G-23|Away>	Uncyclopedia
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: Are you gonna stop being an idiot?
	<Jack_Phoenix>	13:43, 16 October 2007 Manticore (Talk | contribs | block) blocked Mant1c0re sux at H4L0 (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked) ‎ (I sucked your mum's "halo".) (unblock)
	<Jack_Phoenix>	hehe
	<G-23|Away>	lol
	<TheLedBalloon>	HaloDude: define an idiot
	<Jack_Phoenix>	almost as legendary as Datrio on Halopedia ;)
	<HaloDude>	JWR|Privateer: Personal attack :(
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<Jack_Phoenix>	personal attacks bad. minitrue no approve.
	<Sgt_Johnson>	O_O
	<Sgt_Johnson>	Manticore
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: I would say You but that's a personal attack
	<TheLedBalloon>	Perhaps you are asking the wrong questions.
	<JWR|Privateer>	I'll leave then...
	=-=	Mode #halopedia +o Manticore by ChanServ
	<G-23|Away>	HaloDude: What have I told you about bringing your stalkers here!?!?:P
	=-=	Jack_Phoenix was booted from #halopedia by Manticore (minitrue approve of this)
	=-=	Mode #halopedia -o Manticore by Manticore
	<G-23|Away>	lol
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	-->|	Jack_Phoenix (n=Ashley@wikia/Jack-Phoenix) has joined #halopedia
	<G-23|Away>	wb
	<Manticore>	lulz fail
	<TheLedBalloon>	oh, hey, I don't want to anger minitrue
	<Jack_Phoenix>	hm
	<Manticore>	no autorejoin?
	<TheLedBalloon>	I'm sorry guys!
	<Jack_Phoenix>	where the hell did my autorejoin go?
	<TheLedBalloon>	I LOVE Big Brother!
	<--|	Obito has left #halopedia
	<JWR|Privateer>	WTF?
	<Jack_Phoenix>	oh yeah, xchat was being a fail some weeks ago -.-
	-->|	ChurchReborn ( has joined #halopedia
	<HaloDude>	G-23|Away: I can't help it i'm irresistable!
	<Jack_Phoenix>	blah
	<TheLedBalloon>	with all my heart, I really do!
	* G-23|Away	pops TheLedBalloon
	* TheLedBalloon	pops G-23|Away
	<TheLedBalloon>	ha!
	<G-23|Away>	you can't pop me
	|<--	Sgt_Johnson has left ("I MEET THE RFA REQUIREMENTS!!!")
	<TheLedBalloon>	you can dish it out, but ya can't take it, eh?
	<JWR|Privateer>	Is this your little sister or brother HD?
	<G-23|Away>	I'm made out of sexeh
	<G-23|Away>	I'd say its his ex-girlfriend
	<HaloDude>	JWR|Privateer: what are you suggesting by that?
	* JWR|Privateer	is made outta sexeher materials than G23. =D
	<JWR|Privateer>	X
	<G-23|Away>	either that, or some guy from his school with a crush on him
	<JWR|Privateer>	*XD
	<G-23|Away>	:P
	<JWR|Privateer>	Guy? XD
	<G-23|Away>	yes
	<G-23|Away>	guy
	<G-23|Away>	:P
	<TheLedBalloon>	but, yeah, halo is more of a game than anything that isn't a game that I've ever seen
	-->|	uberfuzzy (n=uberfuzz@wikia/Uberfuzzy) has joined #halopedia
	<TheLedBalloon>	that's my personal opinion, anyways
	<G-23|Away>	hello
	<HaloDude>	Stop it now or i'll take it as a personal attack
	<TheLedBalloon>	I'm sure someone shares it
	<TheLedBalloon>	wait, what?
	<TheLedBalloon>	I thought Halo was a game....
	<G-23|Away>	It is
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<TheLedBalloon>	is it not...?
	<Manticore>	no ur mum
	<G-23|Away>	and its a book
	<G-23|Away>	and a comic
	<TheLedBalloon>	I have 2 dads
	<JWR|Privateer>	Manticore: XD
	<Jubinator>	and a toy
	<TheLedBalloon>	but that's another story
	<HaloDude>	I was talking to G-23 and JWR
	<G-23|Away>	meh
	<G-23|Away>	ah
	<Jubinator>	and an optical phenomenom
	<JWR|Privateer>	TheLedBalloon: Please, just say who you are....
	<G-23|Away>	well.... we wee just guessing cause he made a referance to ya
	<TheLedBalloon>	Uh...what?
	<Manticore>	he's TheLedBalloon n00b
 	<G-23|Away>	*reference
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<G-23|Away>	no
	<TheLedBalloon>	Oh, you want to know who I /really/ am?
	<G-23|Away>	he is New Now Know How
	<TheLedBalloon>	secretly I'm with the FBI
	<G-23|Away>	its GPT
	<TheLedBalloon>	I come to chats
	* Jubinator	is bored and decides to shoot himself in the face
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<TheLedBalloon>	to find predators
	<G-23|Away>	Ha!
	<TheLedBalloon>	any predators here?
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<G-23|Away>	I live in another country!
	<TheLedBalloon>	well, I don't see any
	<TheLedBalloon>	congratulations, you pass!
	<G-23|Away>	The FBI cannot harm me without International Backlash!
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: stop it or you'll be kicked
	<JWR|Privateer>	You find predators, yet, you say you know HD>
	* TheLedBalloon	hands the channel a medal
	<HaloDude>	JWR: if he knows me, i'd be amazed
	<TheLedBalloon>	uhh....that was a quote from the popular 1999 movie, The Matrix......
	* TroyB	has all the maps for Halo 2
	* G-23|Away	watches as the FBI's underfunding makes a building fall on TheLedBalloon
	<TheLedBalloon>	but ok....
	<TheLedBalloon>	you know, the Matrix?
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<TheLedBalloon>	The Matrix is a system.
	<Jack_Phoenix>	The Matrix has you.
	* JWR|Privateer	joins CR
	<TheLedBalloon>	That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
	<ChurchReborn>	Eh?
	<JWR|Privateer>	in silence...
	<JWR|Privateer>	Typo
	<JWR|Privateer>	I meant to type, /me joins CR in silence
	|<--	ChurchReborn has left ("Java user signed off")
	-->|	Obito ( has joined #halopedia
	<TheLedBalloon>	I HAet tyops111
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<Jubinator>	lol
	<Manticore>	eleventy one
	* JWR|Privateer	joins CR's "Meh" Club, too. XD
	<Obito>	Not funny.
	<JWR|Privateer>	Dammit...
	|<--	G-23|Away has left ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
	-->|	G-23|Away (n=4c4554cc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #halopedia
	<HaloDude>	wb
	<TheLedBalloon>	G-23|Away!
	<TheLedBalloon>	Welcome back@
	<TheLedBalloon>	*!
	<TheLedBalloon>	We've missed you.
	<G-23|Away>	.....
	<JWR|Privateer>	....
	<TheLedBalloon>	...
	<JWR|Privateer>	This guy creeps me out... he's definitely Uncyclopedian...
	<JWR|Privateer>	XD
	<TheLedBalloon>	you mean /encyclopedian/
	<TheLedBalloon>	silly typos
	<JWR|Privateer>	No, I mean Uncyclopedian.
	<G-23|Away>	yeah
	<G-23|Away>	it is the opposite to Wikipedia
	<TheLedBalloon>	opposite?
	<TheLedBalloon>	sounds cool
	<TheLedBalloon>	is it a fun site?
	<JWR|Privateer>	It's an encyclopedia... for misinformation...
	<TheLedBalloon>	with cool games?
	<JWR|Privateer>	Er...
	<HaloDude>	Dunno, go there and find out
	<TheLedBalloon>	are there misinformative cool games?
	<HaloDude>	Go find out
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<JWR|Privateer>	Ja, leave your desk and go to their HQ!
	<JWR|Privateer>	I can tell you where it is!
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: if you continue to ask stupid questions, then you'll be kicked
	<JWR|Privateer>	It's in the capital of Somalia.
	<TheLedBalloon>	but my teacher says that asking questions is the only way to learn!
	<JWR|Privateer>	TheLedBalloon: Your teacher is not Halopedian! XD
	<RR|Neuroscience>	lol
	<TheLedBalloon>	is too!
	<TheLedBalloon>	his name is...uhh.....
	<JWR|Privateer>	TheLedBalloon: Your teacher is not Cabalis-er... I mean Admin!
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: Just stop it
	<JWR|Privateer>	XD
	<TheLedBalloon>	...LarJeffCarlJim *cough* *cough* *cough*
	-->|	Rockr999 (n=d84cb871@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #halopedia
	<TheLedBalloon>	stop what?
	<Rockr999>	hello
	<HaloDude>	Rockr999: you sent me a friend request?
	<TheLedBalloon>	stop stopping?
	<Rockr999>	yes
	<TheLedBalloon>	stop stopping at stopping to stop?
	<Rockr999>	i have XBL silver
	<TheLedBalloon>	dude!
	<HaloDude>	Rockr999: Can you send it again? i chose decline accidentally :/
	<TheLedBalloon>	XBL Silver!
	<TheLedBalloon>	sweet!
	<TheLedBalloon>	XBL Silver, guys!
	<JWR|Privateer>	TheLedBalloon: Anyway, go to the capital of Somalia and you'll see Uncyclopedia HQ.
	<HaloDude>	yes, we know
	<Rockr999>	...
	<TheLedBalloon>	it's WAAYYY better than XBL Bronze
	<Jubinator>	Rockr999 hai
	<JWR|Privateer>	There's NO XBL Bronze!
	<Rockr999>	as soon as i can get back in
	<Jubinator>	oh ya XBL Platinum is pwnage
	<JWR|Privateer>	There's Silver and Gold...
	<TheLedBalloon>	I like XBL Diamond, though
	<Jubinator>	suppsoedly
	<Rockr999>	Jubinator:Hai
	<HaloDude>	Shut up
	<TheLedBalloon>	it's sooo cool
	<JWR|Privateer>	...
	<Jubinator>	Diamond is not a metal and therefore is not an XBL subscription
	<Rockr999>	Jubinator:i like pie
	<Jubinator>	me too
	* JWR|Privateer	puts his finger on the ban button, then realizes he accidentally took it from RR...
	<TheLedBalloon>	no, your honor, /you're out of order!/
	<TheLedBalloon>	You can't handle the truth!
	<G-23|Away>	RR|Neuroscience:.... Help.....
	* JWR|Privateer	gives it back to RR, grins, and acts clueless.
	<Rockr999>	HaloDude:Sent
	<HaloDude>	thanks
	<RR|Neuroscience>	TheLed's cockiness is definately Uncyc. :P
	<JWR|Privateer>	XD
	<Rockr999>	your welcome
	<HaloDude>	RR|Neuroscience: May I?
	* G-23|Away	is starting to dislike Uncyclopedians and gets the 10 barrels of Napalm ready
	<Rockr999>	RR|Neuroscience:did you get my FR?
	<TheLedBalloon>	Uncyc?
	<TheLedBalloon>	oh, I get it!
	<TheLedBalloon>	short for the Somalia place, right?
	<Rockr999>	...
	<G-23|Away>	I wanted to use it on the North Pole.... but I guess I could get some more later
	* Jubinator	picks up FRG, points it straight down, shoots it, shot bounces off floor, goes in air and kills 2 sentinals, then I get killed by the other 8 sentinals
	<TheLedBalloon>	hey... "UN"cyclopedia! I get it! hahaha!
	<JWR|Privateer>	I knew it, he's on #uncyclopedia right now.
	<TheLedBalloon>	it's NOT an ENcyclopedia!
	<TheLedBalloon>	hahaha
	<G-23|Away>	...
	<Rockr999>	get him?
	<TheLedBalloon>	where do they come up with this stuff?
	<G-23|Away>	I bet your articles are usually QFVDed
	<JWR|Privateer>	XD
	<TheLedBalloon>	QV-whatsis?
	<HaloDude>	RR|Neuroscience?
	<Rockr999>	TroyB:did you get XBL setup?
	<TheLedBalloon>	is that a Halo thing?
	<TroyB>	yup
	<G-23|Away>	*QVFDed
	<JWR|Privateer>	TheLedBalloon: You're on #uncyclopedia, no need to lie.
	<JWR|Privateer>	Why do I know?
	<JWR|Privateer>	Cuz I'm there. =P
	<TheLedBalloon>	yeah, I joined like you told me to
	<Rockr999>	ToryB:gimme your GT
	<Manticore>	n00b
	<Manticore>	he's been on there forever
	<TroyB>	Rockr999>I tried to add you, but It would work, PM me
	<HaloDude>	Manticore: may he be kicked?
	<Rockr999>	i am Rockr999
	<TroyB>	Rockr999>PM me
	<Rockr999>	give me yours and i add you
	<Rockr999>	i pm ed you
	<TroyB>	good
	<TroyB>	left you a mesage
	<TheLedBalloon>	so, whats that QV thing?
	<Rockr999>	i didnt get it
	<TroyB>	How about now?
	<Rockr999>	Nope
	<TheLedBalloon>	QVFDED?
	<TroyB>	hold on, I'll PM you
	<G-23|Away>	QuickValidForDeletion
	<Rockr999>	you need to identify
	=-=	TroyB is now known as Troyb
	<Rockr999>	ok
	<Rockr999>	you DO know how to do that?
	<Troyb>	WEll anyway, do you want my GT
	<HaloDude>	Manticore / RR|Neuroscience? kickage acceptable?
	<Rockr999>	yeah
	* Manticore	meh
	<Rockr999>	i do so i add you
	<Troyb>	Meet me at #Halo fanon
	<Tes|Away>	Hi TheLedBalloon =D
	<G-23|Away>	HaloDude: Please!!!!!!
	<G-23|Away>	before I loose my insanity!
	<TheLedBalloon>	hi Tes|Away!
	<TheLedBalloon>	who are you again?
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: If you cause any more annoyance, you'll be kicked
	<Tes|Away>	heh
	=-=	Tes|Away is now known as Tesfan
	<Rockr999>	i is there Troy
	<TheLedBalloon>	Ok, what annoys you?
	<TheLedBalloon>	and I will not do it.
	<G-23|Away>	that!
	<G-23|Away>	whatever you say annoys me... its how you say it
	<TheLedBalloon>	um....what?
	<G-23|Away>	your damm internet accent!!!!:P
	<TheLedBalloon>	communication is the foundation of human civilization, sir!
	<HaloDude>	TheLedBalloon: Just stop it
	<Tesfan>	Heh xD>
	<Tesfan>	*.
	<TheLedBalloon>	HaloDude: stop what???
	=-=	Mode #halopedia +o HaloDude by ChanServ
	<TheLedBalloon>	the nameless "it" troubles me.
	=-=	YOU (TheLedBalloon) have been booted from #halopedia by HaloDude (HaloDude)
	-->|	YOU (TheLedBalloon) have joined #halopedia
	=-=	Topic for #halopedia is “Welcome to #halopedia | Halopedia, the Halo Wikia - | Channel rules - | Countervandalism - #cvn-wikia-halo | Halopedia Warz on Halo 3 Xbox Live in 30 minutes: contact Relentless70 - 5:30 pm EST (2:30 pm West Coast)”
	=-=	Topic for #halopedia was set by RR|Neuroscience on Saturday, January 26, 2008 4:56:18 PM
	*ChanServ*	[#halopedia] Please make sure you are aware of the channel rules and regulations -
	[INFO]	This channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it).
	<JWR|Privateer>	<Ljlego> JWR|Privateer: about 7 months, give or take--on TheLedBalloon
	=-=	Mode #halopedia +b TheLedBalloon!*@* by HaloDude
	=-=	YOU (TheLedBalloon) have been booted from #halopedia by HaloDude (HaloDude)