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Hitler speaking at Bronx Junior School.

“Top O' The Mornin' To Yah The Exploited”

~ Irish Man on TheExploited

“TheExploited? What a douche!”

~ Jesus on TheExploited

“That fool is busta! Straight busta!”

~ Gangsta on TheExploited
TheExploited at his 251st birthday.

Overview[edit | edit source]

TheExploited was born in 1864 during The Great Rap Battle of '63. His dad, who was fighting on the side of the East Coast, was killed when he was just five years old. He went to Bronx Junior School where he was introduced to hardcore gangsta rap. After Bronx Junior School he went to Brap High School. Whilst at Brap he discovered a love for Punk and left school at the age of 14 to show he was hardcore.

He became a hardcore punk, it was at this time he started 'Public Drinking', a popular sport amongst teenagers (most notably punks) where people drink in public and then are chased by pigs until caught. He became a prominent figure in the punk scene (mainly because all the other had been capped by the Gangsta people). He enjoyed the punk lifestyle and stayed a punk [1] until the age of 256 years old, when, he then died.

Pageology[edit | edit source]

I have started:

Jew. Talk to the douche.

Talk to the fag.

The exhalted Exploited. Sig skull.jpg♠♣♥♦ Can't touch this.

1.^ sup!