User:Strange but untrue/Soviet Equality (Mathematics)
We've all heard and laughed at the old Soviet idea that "All numbers are created equal". But Soviet equality (an operator within Soviet Mathematics) is actually much more subtle than this, asserting as it does that "All numbers are created equal, but some are more equal than others."
Hence, while it is true that , you also have to bear in mind that
. Note that in this latter case, the numbers involved are more equal than those in the first case.
Many have criticised Soviet Equality as "utter nonsense riddled with contradictions". While to some extent this is indeed the case, it is also true that Soviet Equality allows the great flexibility that has developed within Soviet Mathematics. For instance, one American traitor scum slain at the hands of the revolution is in fact the same thing as one million American traitor scums slain at the hands of the revolution. Thus Soviet Equality becomes a great motivational tool to those skilled enough to understand its subtle nuances.