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I'm richer than you!

Welcome, one and all to my magnificient user-page: you can never dream to afford the luxuries I have in my life and thus I am better than you in every way imaginable - this doesn't mean we can't be friends, please sit down and enjoy some of my finest wine (be sure to sit on the chair that is laminated so as not to taint any of my fine furniture with commoner germs) - you don't mind if I give you a baby-bottle do you?

I fear the use of crystal wine-glasses may be too extragevant for your peasant mind to grasp.. not that there is anything wrong with being poor..

it makes rich people like me feel better..

hey, maybe if you danced like a money I could toss you a few spare notes - what do you think?

.. hello?

.. hello?

This user walks down the
left hand path
Thus, they would be considered evil by the Catholic Church.
(List of left hand path Uncyclopedians)
Evil bloke.jpg
This user devours babies. Whole.
Evil bloke.jpg
This member is crazy ass psycho and may suffer from ADHD HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THAT ASS!!!!!!