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This is my Louvre. Sort of. Actually, it contains mostly the shittiest artwork I've created in a long time, which just happens to be a category that contains almost every pic I made for Uncyclopedia. Althernatively, you could just see ALLOFSIMULACRUMCAPUTOSIS'SIMAGESATONCE!
"to the Guillotine!" shouts His Royal Majesty, "for the crime of sinning against good taste in art."
Featured Images[edit | edit source]
Pft! You must be kidding, right?
The Main Wing[edit | edit source]
Direct Photography, not stolen[edit | edit source]
(this space intentionally left blank).
MSPaint Drawings[edit | edit source]
Photoshop, Super-imposition, Overlays[edit | edit source]
- Maybezombiebaron.jpg
or maybe not?!?!?!