User:Simsilikesims/Sugar free aspartame free low sodium gluten free soy free kosher heart healthy diet

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So you have decided to go on a sugar-free, low-sodium, heart healthy gluten-free diet for your health, you prefer kosher foods, and you've heard about aspartame's nasty reputation (or are perhaps allergic to it), and have an allergy to soy or just do not like tofu or edamame. I'm here to help! First, we'll start with the don'ts of the diet, then the dos of the diet, and finally, as a special treat, include some recipes.

Don't[edit | edit source]

  • Use sugar, or substitute honey or molasses. Then it wouldn't be sugar free, or diabetic friendly!
  • Substitute red meat for the poultry or fish in the main dishes. Then it wouldn't be heart healthy!
  • Substitute tofu for the poultry or fish in the main dishes. Then it wouldn't be soy free!
  • Use breading or cereal unless it is specifically marked gluten-free.
  • Use batter or dough unless it is made with gluten-free, sugar-free, low-sodium ingredients.
  • Eat out at restaurants - all the restaurants salt their food grotesquely before, during, and after cooking it.
  • Eat out at delis - pre-made sandwiches are full of sodium and gluten, and pre-made salads may have gluten-containing croutons in them.
  • Eat pre-packaged foods or pre-prepared soups or desserts - most contain either large quantities of sodium or large amounts of sugar.
  • Eat large quantities of pickles, olives, or cheese - these are high sodium foods.
  • Use most commercial brands of mayonnaise - they have soy in them.

Do[edit | edit source]

  • Cut the sodium used in your existing recipes in half, or even to 1/4 of that recommended. There is really no need to salt boiling water.
  • Read nutrition labels - salt and sugar can be hiding where you least expect it, or even used as an unlabelled preservative.
  • Use spices and potassium-based sodium substitutes in place of salt.