User:Serge Billault/HowTo:Praise the Sun

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This is an example of the master of ASS praising it

So, you wanna learn how to praise the big ball of fire?, well look no further than this guide! Where we will teach YOU (yes, you! 🫵🏻) how to praise the sun, by following these simple steps, you can be sure that over time you will master the skill.

So, let the tutorial begin![edit | edit source]

Step 1: So, whenever you're praising the sun, be sure to always remember the acronym ASS

Step 2: A is for arms, lift them like you see in the picture, with the palm of your hands facing the ground. S is for slope your head so it faces the sun. And the final S is for sun: IF done correctly, you will be getting two scoops of PRAISIN from the sun. Hope this tutorial helps you meet the Solaire of Astora, aka the sun praiser and master of ASS

The Praise The Sun Olympics[edit | edit source]

Athletes doing their best to praise the sun for the gold medal.

Some have mastered this skill to, they think, a near god level. To the point that praising the sun is now an olympic event. All countries have raised to the challenge but yet only a real priest of the sun can truely achieve greatness in praising the sun.

Also, by doing this, you agree that you are a WEEB. The origin of the emote is from a Japanese video game called Dark Souls

Word of caution: By praising the sun, you also agree that you are some weird freak who got traumatized by seeing your parents wrestling in bed and your dad left to go get the milk after you praised the sun for the 1st time, let’s not forget to find the one who wrinkled my Randy Travis poster, pissed in my seat and hid my keys!