
Birth Name: | Ryan S. Satin |
Birth Date: | 1899 |
Birth Place: | Huntington, WV |
Occupation: | Unholy Ruler |
Unholy Empire: | Satin, TX |
Favorite Food | Small Children |
Favorite Hobby | Singing Show Tunes |
“All those kids have lost a lot that they'll get back, but there is one thing they won't ever get back... their virginity.”
Ryan S. Satin better known as Satin, is the unholy ruler of Satin, Texas[1]. He is a supernatural being all his own and is not related to Satan or even Stan. He is notorious for kidnapping small children, taking them to The Closet, and then having them "Dance" with him. To this date Satin is the only person to come out of The Closet alive.
Early Childhood
The story of Satin begins in 1906 in the small rural community of Huntington, West Virginia. Where there was a young boy named Ryan Satin who was cutting the cheese in his small cottage. After accidentally slicing his thumb open while cutting the cheese he came up with a great idea. He was going to pull a prank on his mother and write "Satan is my savior" on his front door.
After writing the message he did not realize that he misspelled "Satan" as "Satin" due to his extremely low IQ. Ryan hid in the bushes across the street to wait for his mother to come home after working in the coal mines all day. He waited for 2 hours in the small bushes before noticing storm clouds gathering above his head.
He waited in the bushes for another hour before it started sprinkling. Then he hid under the porch by the front door to keep dry from the rain. The clouds turned pitch black as Ryan hid under the porch. A shower of lightning coming from the dark sky destroyed the porch and fused young Ryan with the misspelled message on the front door.
Satin Lives
After being fused together with the front door, Ryan became the creature we now know as Satin. After the transformation Satin became a social outcast because of his demonic appearance. Everyone who saw him ran away, even the Devil himself ran away after taking one glimpse of poor old Satin.
He was emotionally scarred from several years of abuse in West Virginia, so he decided to move to New York City and start a new life. But people's reactions to Satin were the same as in West Virginia. There he opened up "The Closet", a place where he could feast on small children in peace and quiet. But when Satin turned 18 years old in 1917, the New York City Police Department became aware of happenings in The Closet. He then moved to Laguna, Texas and renamed it Satin, Texas when he turned it into his unholy empire. Since his move to Texas he has remained out if the public image until recently.
Recent Activity
- Satin was recently spotted with his
sex slave"life partner" Gary Coleman having intercourse in the Texas wilderness.
- Satin was also found in Gotham city fucking the Joker. Batman got involved but his penis exploded due to the sheer abomination that is Satin. Commissioner Gordon found Batman's exploded penis and kept it for his personal collection.
- It is rumored that Satin has an underground base in some stupid town in Vermont that no one cares about. Satin is supposedly putting together a team of evil-doers together in a plot to destroy the world. The team consists of himself, Adolf Hitler, Matthew McConaughey, Brian Peppers, Skeletor, Mohammad (short term sexual partner), Meatwad, Joker (his lover), Gary Coleman (his other lover) Satina (his other lover that has a vagina, as far as we know...), Cobra, Marilyn Manson, Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus, Edward Cullen*, Sarah Jessica Parker, and The Black Power Ranger (no, we're not racist damn it.) Other than destroying the world, the team plans to harvest all the penises in the world. Starting with George Clooney's.
- One man claims that Satin has returned to his hometown of Huntington, West Virginia in the recent months. He was seen with his supposed wife, Satina viewing "Drag Me To Hell" at Pullman Square. The movie was terrified at the appearance of the ugly couple and the actors and actresses jumped off screen. Satin was furious and then raped a grand total of 1,607 little boys.
- With Satin on break from filming his movie, Satin celebrated September 11th by having an old fashioned "Kill that fucking shoebomber with a damn turban," contest. With Satin's trial of the murder of Nathan Kress coming up, he is worried that he will be thrown in jail for murder. TMZ got an exclusive interview with Satin. "I was under the influence of a penis. You see, growing up I harvested penises like the penis harvesting fiend I am, but lately, I hadn't harvested any at all. Penises are like candy to me. They make me hyper. I crave them. Nathan Kress' death was an unfortunate one, as he died from penis traumatization. A rare disease from the ripping off of one's penis." With this controversial interview, fans expect the Satin filiming to be halted.
Meanwhile, Ryan Staley has created several audio recordings. Very subliminal and creepy ones. They include words such as, "horse, rickenbacker, chuckie and 15 inch penis." Put together it reveals an overlay of a full message, "Patrick! You better get sucking on that dick a little!" The "Patrick" in the recording has been identified as Patrick Knake, a local of Huntington, WV, and a friend of Ryan's. Patrick enjoys sucking Britney Bryant's 15 inch dick.
Scheduled Movie
The Movie is scheduled to be released in 2010. Those are the only details are being released at the moment.
As of January 3rd, 2010, Satin has decided to begin production of his movie. Since the world is ending in 2012. He approached several directors, but none of them accepted to film a movie with him as the star. Satin then decided to become the director of his own movie. These are the confirmed rolls:
Brian Peppers as Satin
Gary Coleman as himself
Susan Boyle as Satina
It is rumored that Skeletor makes a cameo appearance, setting up a possible sequel: Satin 2: Hell's Militia. When approached, Skeletor denied the cameo appearance stating: "My ties with Satin and his alliance have grown thin over the years and with such a low budget, I doubt I will make an appearance." Several days later, in a controversial event, Gary Coleman fucked Skeletor in the eye socket. Horrified, Skeletor decided to make an appearance.
Edward Cullen, aka: "Robert Pattinson" has confirmed he will not appear in "Satin", stating: "I'm filming Eclipse! I'm a douchebag."
Zac Efron has also denied an appearance in "Satin" stating: "I'm working on a brand new film with Disney! It's called High School Musical 4: Dancing isn't allowed on a college campus! I have high expectations for it!"
Meatwad, Joker and the Black Power Ranger have all confirmed that they will reprise their roles in "Satin."
As of May 10th, 2010, filming has officially gone underway, with an official release date of June 6th, 2011 confirmed.
Satin has decided to direct, produce and star in the film. No replacements have been filled for Robert Pattinson or Zac Efron.
With filming underway, a teaser trailer was released. With three months of filming down, Satin has decided to take September and October off to rest up and continue filming in November. Sarah Jessica Parker, Miley Cyrus, and Cobra have all been confirmed to be reprising their roles. While Jacob aka "Taylor Lautner" has been rumored to play Edward, causing a huge shake-up in the Twilight community causing Twilight fanatics to kill each other in a fit of rage.
In a recent interview with Satin, he gave us a hint of the overall idea of the movie. He said, "Remember Troll 2? I loved that movie as a kid and I want Satin to be a movie that lives up to the legend of Troll 2."
Satin has brought a young new star on the scene. His name is Ryan Matthew Staley. He is by far Satin's biggest follower. While performing satinic rituals, Ryan Staley burnt his penis off as a sacrifice to Satin as Satin LOVES little boys penises. Unfortunately, due to the consumption of the penis, Satin went temporarily insane, kidnapping the entire iCarly cast and killed Nathan Kress himself. Whether this will effect filming or not, is uncertain.
It has also been confirmed that satin has found a new director in the depths hell his name is Tyler Moore it is believed that this man was hired because of his undying love for small boys penises just like Satin. Tyler was arrested recently for assaulting Comissinor Gordon he then proceded to molest him while he was unconsious from the attack he then took Batmans exploded penis home with him the police came to his home and found him masterbating to the exploded penis when TMZ interviewed him in jail his only words were I...LOVE...DICK!!!!!!!!!. When satin saw this interview he was impressed with this mans bravery by stating his love for penis then satin proceded to bail him out of jail and then he hired tyler as a director for his up coming sequel film Satin returns with a boner.