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Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

Go to UN:AAN for adoption

“Who the hell is Ryuken?!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Ryuken

“Ryuken doesn't care about black people.”

~ Kanye West on Ryuken

“We have intelligence which suggests that Ryuken may be seeking weapons of mass destruction.”

~ George Bush on Ryuken

Ryuken is often too busy pwning |\|()()85 to come out of his mother's basement. When not looking at pr0n while playing World of Warcraft as a Blood Elf Paladin, he enjoys editing Wikipedia, consuming low-quality foodstuffs such as pizza (which he refers to as "za"), kitten huffing and blogging about his pointless life. Online, he is known as "1337msterpwner," and is a Level 70 Pally.

Ryuken enjoying a nice reefer.

Articles Rescued[edit | edit source]
