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30 Days of Shite - it was at about this point on making the game that I realised how big a project it was going to become, and wondered if I could ever be arsed to finish it.

You chose the fucking massive one with lasers and spikes and shit on it that looks like someone hacksawed it off the underneath of an anti-tank Apache helicopter - compensating for anything at all?

You try to lift the gun, but it's heavier than your mum, so you buy a wheelbarrow as well. With the shopkeeper's help, you get the gun into the wheelbarrow and leave. Where would you like to go now?

P5f Better find somewhere to stay, I suppose. Where are the hotels in this town?

P5g Think I'll head down to the park, see if I can bag me a few squirrels with this new gun o'mine.

p5h I'm gonna get me a whore!