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30 Days of Shite - It will tear your mail apart...
just like your cat does, when you don't get downstairs in time. Unlike your cat, the game will steal any cheques/money in the mail and give them to me. Ha ha.

You react like lightning - the Beast is still in the air by the time you're up and running. It lands heavily in the road, slips in the pool of blood and is momentarily stunned, so you grab this slim opportunity and dive down a side street. Right at the end a door is open, light spills out. A Chinese man beckons to you. "You, come in here! Quick, quick!" he exclaims. Do you go in?
P18 Nah, I don't fancy a chop suey right now - I'll just keep running from that damned Beast if it's all the same to you, thanks.
P19 Well, duh! Of course I do - I'd rather have a door between me and the Beast, cheers. Plus with any luck the Chinese dude might be Triad or something and will have machine guns in the house.