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{{Zorkheader|9|0|6} You done it, you dumped the code on the floor, and broke it! {{Zorkcmd|look}} There is spilled code. 101010101010101010 1010101010100101010<div style="font-variant:small-caps; color: #662419; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px; display: block;"> ----<math>[[Media:Insert formula here]] --~~~~--~~~~--~~~~ {{:Disguise/mask}} '''[[Bold text]] == [[Headline text]]''[[Media:Italic text]]--~~~~<math> == Insert formula here == [[]]</math>'' == ['''http://www.example.com link title''''''']'''</math> ''''<math>Insert non-formatted text here</math> <div style="font-variant:small-caps; color: #662419; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px; display: block;"> You are eaten by a code grue.

*** You have died ***

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