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Nutshell.svg This page in a nutshell: kumon is kinda for big fat retards
dont worry sad face will give you the comedy u need


~ retard from kumon

“oh jeez everoyne got napolend by the so called good kumon”

Kumon is a hellish and dumbass filled "tutor center" that are filled with haters there that pretend they like it but most in Philip's pines, love it thanks to those so called smart pinoys but in realty AI bootlegs also there are inifty cneters that steal parents wallet and the children

get branwahsed or as the hel they call kumonmethod

kumon menthod:must be branwash method[edit | edit source]

the creatir of kumon who was supposed to go to the mental hospital so doctors can bagn is head and turn him inot a normal guy his easy-to-sucked out-idoot-paniless moron-like-his-papa takashi or well call him scuker the unbvelabale got -2321321321321 in his score so toru the so called super smar tiot that is a crazy tit head whh he the big falure teaches his big faliure son by pissing his mind off with some AREU9GNREOJFOEWFIOish test every day well his the son did the cursed kumon assigment BUT OH OH OH CRAP WAIT THE SON DDINT GOT FUCKED AND CURSED

kumon student indeed.

how? he mental brained HIS PAPA sthrew him a pan and so that he is dumb the before kumonians wanna study and be smsart but inside kumon de brain is ruined alos the kumons also huffed that KUMON TEACHED ME KUMON IS DE BESHT the studnets keeped the hatre

and get raged they improved and rage and also when they write they well be serious and not funny and when one of those mental damaged autisim tested morons come in raged well the keep it untill vola THERE HEAD KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

diffrent kinds of kumonians or kumorons[edit | edit source]

here is dem

wild nerd who shuts you up when you make a punchline in poomun[edit | edit source]

those are the nerds who dont even uncycopedia but instead they visit wikipedia while reasearching untrruly crap bullshit that cooks my head and leaves u lagging on jokes and roll ur headdue to smatass idsorder and mash head and thus dieǃ \

well a generic 9 year old who likes watching terrible mind asplodin math videos and also causes them to be suddnely edging to kumon[edit | edit source]

okay well they are addicts too cocomelon ayan yan and math animations that are made by dumb people who obviusly know only math and

as a relsut their viewers fill up a gneric kumon cneter as

a student who dosent undestanf humor but unddrestands "a load of crap dead memes"[edit | edit source]

WOAH WOAH BRO CHILL MATHAFUCKER WOAH CHILL im trying to make some punchines so no one can drool their ass and mash thier head and rage and rgae and KOED and oh my god its tiring

those are the types of pedokumonians that are actually enjoy kumon as idiots and well like other types of kumon students they are typicall SERIOUS ABUOIT STUDY SUTYD SUTDYU EOXTIC BRAINS TRAIN STUDY STUDY. reapeat and also well they rage at u when you are talking bout funni punchlines and fuck off somwhere

japanese exchange furry lover[edit | edit source]

this is muricas common shit well those studnets like furries sonthey show there "beutiful" stinky pissy costume those in the murica kumon simp on em for some dunk your face in crap reason

de only one that is actually normal[edit | edit source]

everoyne else in kumon loves kumon every kumon center but there are some that have little haters like DE NORMAL ONES if you go in of of those centers good luck because your not the one that the teahcers rage on i think also they are no the SHUT DE FUCK UP IM ANSWERING MY KUMON type but rathe talks to you till he get sslaped in de buttholes

the uncycopedian[edit | edit source]

YE this is the cool man also he has a sense of homur unlike tohers who got their brain fucked and pissed off by kumon they are the type of non branrot gen alphas

they know hitler funny stuff alos they got a hole bunch of crappy junk funny articles they made also they like the smell of piss

the OH MY GOD "smartass" kumon spreader that is a dauhgter of a kumon bastard owner[edit | edit source]

that gurl yeah she jkeeps saying GOT TO KUMON TO MENTALLY CHALLENGE YOUR DUMB CHIKLD or whatveer toru kumon said at their so called philisypy

the girl also is loved by errr a bunch of tenager kumonians that make stupid furry trash can whin mornish painles pp comics

the "smart" poopload idot that says KUMON GOOD KUMON GOOD thatthatthatthatthatrt murica THAT U WANA WAIL der ASS[edit | edit source]

they are the exotic nerds that also enjoy "a load of crap dead memes" that arnet even funny and they should piss their hea dby reading HTBFANJS and getting spanked in the bollocks by parents and also they are they best mrorns to rush their heads so they can get pissed and cry to thier mommy


they are the tyep of boys (grils as usual) that whne you yell r word they become a piss sucking cock by saying TEACHER HE YELLED REATRD this mainly happnes due to the largenity of emptaty of humans in 2019 or i dunno

oh yeah gotta go in imma bomb thi-

damn snitch[edit | edit source]

ahh yeah those are those big fucker that are half the size of your balls HAHAHAHAHAH welly ou cheat nice right BUT OH CRAP CRAP CRAP PISS EXOTIC EXOTIC RUN RUN GOTTA RUN he telled teh teahcer now oyour dead and ̽gets shoẗ woah im tiny is this adiick shapped ray gin that shot me OH CRAP PLLSSS EYEYE' oh okay welp i hope the kumon studnets dont find this out they are mentally damaged and challenge to be a pissed

bullseye nigger[edit | edit source]

he is typical he has large pisses to make his streght he makes a load of dead crap memes you can see em in 4 kumon centers around the fat dicky world that ɑstaright your pants to banana lair park or somthing they have a female varaint thats is a ass and. aass and a bollock pissing for some reason

ameircan girl that is a fangilr and shes CURINGE[edit | edit source]

ye if you see her artworks those are booby animaie that when you look em your nerouns will throw their bollocks to cheese shes a pissy-UFHEWUIFNUEWFUish-assy-pussy-shut up im doing my kumonsy-assy and more

the jamican girl thats is high on tiktok or some shit[edit | edit source]

yeah so bsiaclly the girls wtaches too much TIKTOK yeah i mean when she waits for her nont exstient dad she TIKTOK and watches vidoes that will make my ksheoiejwiofiqoioJORWNFKOERNHJRMKOV aLGUGHGHGH AAAAHS spartaah eh much true i mean find it <insert name here>

dis is SPARTAAAH[edit | edit source]

the well antoher gorup fog usy who are perectyl pissy like you and ewell they are hated by anyone else inkumon and easliy get pissed off

thier fatass webiste kumons[edit | edit source]

the website is a scandal to raid the site just click here kumon i mean DONT CLIKC THIS THIS WILL ARREST YA NO NO add any misinformation they uff out their ass in my talk page also in the philippine sthey have scam poster if you live in the hpilippines burn them and uncyclopedia comdy em with a flmetrhower

tips to avoid kumon[edit | edit source]

  1. if you are sruggling math say to your parents do not listen to head asploding mororns who spam and spm and piss others minds or penises about kumn being a great school those morons are common in the phils thehse people are people who attack dogs and eat em too
  2. if your a a preident bomb. alocal kumon center of fbi your kumon center
  3. talk botu sarcasam to avoid futher groth exampleː KUMON IS A GLORY PLACE TO BE ABUSED AND SELF LEANRED IN DE FACEǃ

see also[edit | edit source]