User:Orion Blastar/interlerance

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Interlerance, spelling is correct, is a term used by Fundamentalist Atheists to describe weak reasoning employed by conspiracy theorists and mystics all over the world who want to portray themselves as the victims of interlerance. While some may claim it is a typo and intolerance, but really the FA's invented that word of interlerance to mean "Well if being intolerant means sticking to high literary standards and employing reason instead of mysticism, then let us all embrace intolerance as a tool vital for staving off a return of the dark ages and delivering humanity safely into some kind of livable future. I'm very OPTIMISTIC and quite POSITIVE that mankind can improve himself by using reason and science, without resorting to re-branded witchcraft."

9 out of 10 Witches disagree with this statement, claiming that their civil rights had been violated by yet another witch hunt, this time by Atheists instead of Christians.