User:Orion Blastar/LAZIS
LAZIS are Liberal Socialists, they are the left-wing version of NAZIS. They want to bring about a liberal state that has a liberal dictator. LAZISM was founded by Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and it was formerly known as liberal fascism which Glenn beck had warned us about, but nobody took him seriously because he is really a rodeo clown.
Agenda[edit | edit source]
It started out with the Liberal Agenda but went too far. Christians are to be rounded up and put into concentration camps because LAZIS claim Christians are the cause for most of the problems in the world and own the most wealth. This is their final solution. Most LAZIS are Atheists or Secular Humanists or Liberal Christians and don't really believe in Jesus or Christianity anyway.
Founding[edit | edit source]
Like when Adolph Hitler gave the Germans a beer bash, the Clintons gave Americans a pot bash by legalizing marijuana in 2010 after Hillary Clinton was elected the first female President of the USA and Bill Clinton became the first male first lady.