User:Mr-ex777/Joseph Goebbels University/People/Demon Samurai Yamato the Third

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Demon Samurai Yamato the Third is the current president of the Joseph Goebbels University. He is the president who continues planning for the first great space war, since the previous president, while also defending earth and other earth-allied planets other terrorist groups such as the Sirius state, which conspires to assassinate him and is supported by the Universal Alliance.

History[edit | edit source]

Origins[edit | edit source]

Yamato the third is a cyborg demon created by another group of Japanese imperialists, which also happen to be nazis. This Nazi-Jap hybrid sect of the Joseph Goebbels University used an occult technology that is forbidden from the universe and it created a demon samurai cyborg. At first he was only a general of the JGU army, but in fact he was conspiring to be president so he can lead the university to more power. When Empress Sirius exited due to boredom, she gave the presidency to him.

Presidency[edit | edit source]

When he was president, he continued to utilize valkyrieloids, as well as creating his private army of suicide warriors, the SS Kamikaze, with SS standing for "Schutzstaffel". The SS Kamikaze runs assassination attempts against opposing leaders and also invades tough planets for him. They are also armed with explosives so if they would be destroyed inside a building, the building will explode.

Attempted assassination by Sirius State[edit | edit source]

One day, when Yamato the third was in his president room organizing a latest invasion, he was met with a space soldier who was supposed to tell him something important, but it turned out that it was a face dancer of the sirius state and it tried to send out a black hole to suck him into it. Noticing this, he summoned his SS Kamikaze, but the assassin reassumed it's space soldier form and said that it was a mistake. But the cold-blooded SS kamikaze were used to kill betrayers so they killed him instead. Since, the face dancer's head is hanged on the school courtyard to intimidate all who dare assassinate him. He has actually been attempted for assassination 2 times before this, all fail because of his cold blooded antics.

War with Canis X[edit | edit source]

Yamato the third also went to a small war with Canis X. It happened when Canis X invaded one of the the planets where one of the JGU space soldier's armour materials was made of. The base was no match for the Canis X's mass invasion, So Yamato the Third sent a legion of SS Kamikaze to suicide on them. Suddenly, the main Canis X warship had around 30 Kamikaze SS and others were also occupied as well. Then they forced all those small warships to hump into the big warship, while the suicide bombers destroy the large warship from the inside. Yamato the third then rushes in and fights the great general in the vastness of space, then after 3 days, defeated him. The fight was so great that it can be saw 4 planets away. The Canis X and earth forces then prepare for war with each other, which will also involve the universal alliance to fight it.

Powers[edit | edit source]

Yamato the Third is a cross between a demon and a cyborg, so he has the abilities of both, Just like all cyborg presidents after Father shiva, he is immortal and can live for any number of years as long as he is not killed. He is also completely invincible and unlike other darkness related presidents, he is immune to holy weapons. His weapon is a great katana which is able to slice through all objects, even dimensions themselves. It also has the ability to strengthen itself by absorbing the enemy's blood. It is also capable of making blade winds that can cut even the steel of the Universal alliance colossi, although he has never fought one yet.

Preceded by:
Empress Sirius
Presidents of Joseph Goebbels University
Succeeded by:
Not Yet