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These are some helpful hints when writing an article.

1) All the following rules are general principles. There are instances in which they do not apply.

1-A) However, if you, as the author think violating one of these rules works, it probably doesn't.
1-B) Unless, you think its the funniest thing evar, in which case, it might sorta work.

2) If you need to explain a Joke, its not funny.

3) If you need to use profanity, homosexuality, or nudity to be funny, you aren't being funny.

3-1) If your article's name contains the word "gay", "penis", or "boob" it probably should go of QVFD.

4) Nonsense is never funny.

4-A)Intentional nonsense isn't funny either.
4-B) In-Jokes are the only exception to this rule.
4-B-1) However, you are not authorized to write in-jokes, in-jokes can only be made by admins or unknown ips.

5) Internet/Uncyclopedia Memes are not funny.

5-A) Uncyclopedia memes include Oscar Wilde, Mr. T, Chuck Norris, Oprah, Yoda, Captain Obvious, and anyone else who's quotes are spammed over Uncyclopedia.
5-B) Exception, if the article is actually about an internet meme, it is funny.
5-B-1) However, most of the stuff they did isn't funny.
5-B-1-A) The few events that were funny have already been covered.

6) Dead Links should be avoided whenever possible.

6-A) The only exception in when you create an intentional dead link.
6-A-1) You will want to do that rarely, its an old joke.

7) Try to avoid lists; they tend to uglify your article by creating too much white space and generally aren't funny.

7-A)Yes, I know this is a list, but its to convey information, not make you laugh.

8) Quotes should generally be avoided, especially "header quotes" at the beginnings of articles.

8-A) Unless its a real quote and is funny in context.

9) Do not have too much white space. It gives your article an ugly feel.

9-A) Often, white space is created by too many lists, 1 line paragraphs, and poorly placed images.
9-B) Never place an image at the extreme tail end of the article where it will generate white space.

10) All articles should have atleast one image.

10-A) Image spamming, or trying to make an article out of images is not funny.

11) Try to maintain of humorously hostile tone in your articles, unless your doing deadpan

11-A) "Praise articles" generally aren't funny, it didn't work the first time.
11-B) Hatecruft, i.e. ED style isn't funny