User:MadMax/Uncyclopedia:Proposal for new writing competitions

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Proposing a Uncyclopedia Contest[edit | edit source]

This is the place to propose an Uncyclopedia writing competition. The point of this proposal process is for users who have an idea for a new writing competition but need further assistance from more experienced editors, general feedback and suggestions for improvements, and to see if there are enough interested Uncyclopedians to participate in the event. You may post proposals that would benefit Uncyclopedia, even if you would not run or participate in the proposed competition yourself. Already existing competitions can be found in the main list. Also, check the archives () to see if your idea has been previously proposed (all failed proposals older than 3 months are moved there).

If your idea gains support from 5–10 active Uncyclopedias, you may wish to consider starting starting a page for the event. If you want to start a page before you have 5–10 active Uncyclopedians, consider setting up the page in userspace (e.g. [[User:My Username/My contest idea]]) until it is active, while leaving the posting here with a link to the user page. You can also promote the newly created Uncyclopedia in the community forums.

For existing competitions[edit | edit source]

Any existing Uncyclopedia competition can hold a new event whenever it chooses, so the normal place to propose a new event is in the Village Dump or at the official contest's talk page. Copying the proposal here is not required, but you can use this page to advertise an upcoming contest, or to see whether or not it might draw in enough participants to make its creation worthwhile.

Creating a proposal[edit | edit source]

New proposals go on top!
Suggest your idea for a new writing contest.

Current proposals[edit | edit source]

April 2011[edit | edit source]