Uncyclopedia is not my job. Neither is it yours, or anyone else's. If at any time my experience here should be anything less than a bed of singing roses set about with chirping birds and sparkling rainbows, I reserve the right to leave for however long I please. As do you. Nobody is paid to edit or administrate here, and as such, Uncyclopedia is not compulsory; therefore, none of us has any right to tell another to do more work or that it is their job.
I am not required to care if the wiki will break under the strain of too much administrative backlog, and you are not required to care if I care, and I am not required to care if you care if I care. You have no right to care or to do anything here. Everything that we do is a privilege, not a right. If you challenge me on that you may find yourself rudely reminded of it. (Probably not, though, because I'm a big softy.)
May the Force be with you, and may your fur never grow thin.