User:Iwillkillyou333/Rewrite of the Month
The place where we recognize, nominate, and vote for articles who were once nothing but a piece of crap, until someone gave them grace and cleaned/rewrote them and are now living a new life.
Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]
In order to nominate a pierewritten article, you must:
- Be registered.
- Must have a article that was once bad but have been transoformed article.
- The article can only be nominated if it had a history of bad humor and things that are against HTBFANJS.
- Must have actually been rewritten to good standards; that is, it can't be nominated if it was rewritten but still has bad quality
- Must at least have 3 sections or larger (not including the introduction)
Violation of the above may invalidate the vote.
Rules[edit | edit source]
You can nominate an article made by either for yourself or by another. But you can only nominate once, as well as only voting once. But you can for yourself, and nominate anything you want as long as it follows the requirments above. Against votes will can as For votes, so none of that (morons). You can also change your vote. A pee review is not necessary, but doesn't give an excuse for an article to be stupid.
Nomination and voting process[edit | edit source]
Nominations last until the last week of that month. The voting process last until the 30th or 31 of that month (except in Febuary, which is the 28th). It's more similiar to UotM and such, but you nominte articles instead, but vote like you do in UOTM. The winner would be based on the nominator/creator who nominated/created the winning article, as well as two nice templates; one for the article, and one for the winner nominator.
Fabulous Prizes[edit | edit source]
- Will get 2 template as mentioned aboved
- Respect of you peer (well, thats debatable)
- Infinate girlfriends/boyfriends(depening on yor sex your sexuality)
- Fame and Fortune (in your fucking dreams)
Past Winner[edit | edit source]
None yet, pansy. lol