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Omaremad is a rare specie of geek from Egypt. He along with his litle geek sister are born from a mummie family of intelectual aliens. Omaremad spends all day studying for exams and anoying ppl on irc with wikipedia links. Omaremad also suffer sudden irc quiting..he is like a tornado writing 100lines/secons and when u try to understand something ..he suddently quits!

  • HE quits coz he dont want mummy to see his talking with the older boys!!"!!! OAUHAHAHAHHAHA

It is also worth noting that Omar's mother force feeds him at least 4 times a day. This has resulted in him being quite very fat. I mean; hes friggen huge. Some people believe his family plans on one day eating him for breakfast, which is why they fatten him up. Others believe his mother is just insane and peversely obsessed with him. It is likely she has a fat-son-sex fetish.

~by boboS



Gfxstyler alias grlstyer or foodstyler and dont forget sleepstyle...spends all her styled time working on her 2.(3) graphics engine..period in wich her brain enters in a trance that logs every engine change on irc without getting any input from users. This user suffers APLI (Abnormal Periodic Linux reinstalls) installing Linux every day in the hope that shell become more smart. Also she didnt got cured of his old disease ANA (Anti-noob Attak) wich make him sufocate and freak out. (he pretends to be cured, dont belive him) +NEVER HAD A LUCVID DREAM

She also has a house full of bugs.

~by boboS



So bitplane..our beloved administrator and future teacher.. :| For years of civilization and culture our world has evolved so much and learned form its own mistakes..but now things are about to change. Kids will learn new meanings of life throw wisdom of great bitplane. We gonna be straight here: Lesson 1: use webcams to satisfy sexual needs


  • girl:

flowers(20$) chocolate(5$) condom(3$) restaurant(300$) - 328$/one sexual need

  • webcam:

internet conection - unlimited sexual needs

Tips: 1.webcams dont argue 2.webcams dont spend all ur money on clothes 3.webcams are always avaible


~by boboS


Armen is evil incarnate. Do not use his name in vain, or suffer the consequences. Ask Gfxstyler, she knows all about it.



erus` alias the shizzle fizzle unde the nizzle man. Unzer the hood on sza small house lived a litle b0y who like to skate his tables. But one day Santa gave him an iPOD. Now he suffers from a rare form of ipod diesease wich makes him: sleep with the ipod, eat with the ipod (even eat from it), lisen music from ipod, partitioning ipod, use ipod as HDD, make games on ipod, go to school with ipod, fuck with ipod, LIVE in the IPOD.

~by boboS



Bobos a peculiar breed of romanian vampire, this division has a unique genetic mutation that allow members of the bobos to survie extreme heat, sunlight, galic and show no faer when exposed to a cross since they are already christian. Howver these 1337vampire abilities come at a price, the bobos genome contains many genetic defects which include:

-WPW a cause of 78% of all bobos deaths

-T virus ( an extreme strain of bird flu that induces typos)

-weakness against other siblings of the non bobos kind (often lacks authority when it comes to his sister)

-some bobos's have been sighted with 5 faces presumably due to teeth and the wind or something

Bobos's come in all shapes and sizes from a small human boy to a whole country (molidivia is the equivelent of a large bobos) certain cloning experiments have been done on bobos but none worked, here are the results:

-blonde bobos (the original)

-black haired bobos(failed bobos clone and becomes husband of bobos's sister

-anti bobos a bobos clone that is opposite of bobos in evry thing (his sister)

~by mumfied geek aka: omaremad





Kaeles manages to remain silent for some time, but occasionally has outbursts of speech. Kaeles sometimes likes to discuss his sexual habits, as he has made us well aware, his idea of "fun" is to:

do her from behind, then PUNCH her in the back of the head as hard as you can.

If you are female, gfxstyler, I advise you to sterr well clear of this individual, as he may ask you to hold a knife and stab him whilst doing it

NOTE: Beware of the lies:

<Kaeles> im not kinky at all really.

~by the_cre8or



A disgruntled buccaneer pirate who is always mad becuase gfxstyler finds his stash of rum and gives it to armymen


the real magicat: Mundaze%20Sphinx.jpg

Quent's perception of magicat/castle: gd226.jpg

Quent's perception of magicat/carpet: 1449771_1358f85503_m.jpg

Rooly's perception of magicat/carp: 205468kprow1qb.jpg

boboS's perception of magicat/ugly and angry (hmm..ok maybe just ugly): uglycat2.jpg

Magicat is not a fish. Nor a carpet. Nor a castle! Despite popular belief, he is nothing but a cat, GOD DAMMIT. ~by Use-Your-Imagination.



Best known for inventing the color now known as "green," Luckymutt spends most of his time walking in circles as he stares at the questionable water stain on his ceiling. He has won 4 Grammy awards, and 2 Oscars.



He is the Roaming Gnone's less attractive cousin. He is constantly plagued by giant stone angels. He is known to be responsible for the disappearence of Quent's rum, which is usually why Quent is pissed off. His hobbies include kitten huffing, hiding in high school lockers during the summer and scaring freshmen shitless when school starts, taking Quent's rum and giving it to Armymen, Impersonating a cleric of the Church of England, and being morbidly obese.

~by Quent.