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Somone likes PJ's over survival gear and food. His explanation was "Survival gear; who needs it. Food and drink; it's a waste of space". He died two days later slain by a common ant(non-poisonous, non-soldier).

The most widely used armour in all of your favourite RPG's. The grenade being propelled by a rocket is usually shot by an explosives expet in pyjamas. Also used in RPG's, which differ from .JPG files in one way, it begins with an 'S'. I bet you couldn't have found that in one million years. But pyjamas are most famous for appearing in RPG's. They are universally considered to have 100 defence, and 300 attack.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Two famous RPG playrs: Bastard 1 and Boozy 2.

There are many abilities pyjamas can have including: easier sleep, better health regain, faster speed, easier sleep, makes it slightly easier to kill iamcon in any RPG (but you still hardly stand a chance), easier sleep and easier sleep. Also, armour can be worn on top of it and it is easier to sleep.

In World of Warcraft[edit | edit source]

  • Atk: 270
  • Def: 132
  • Abil: Easier sleep, magic easier, being an idiot easier,
Pyjamas can also be used in First person shooters