User:GWashington1732/Farleigh Dickinson university
Farleigh Dickinson University (Duh Leeder in Globill Educashun)[edit | edit source]
Farleigh Dickinson University is a popular testing ground for new chemical weapons and methods of psychological warfare. The testing ground is located in Northern New jersey and has two main fields. Both fields operate under the disguise of a college. Only the stupidest of high school graduates were originally sent here but the testing companies decided that more intelligence was needed.
Madison[edit | edit source]
The Madison location is where the bulk of the psychological torture takes place."Students" are lured into the "school" by the promise of fun and a good education. This is of course only enough to get the unitelligent to apply so to get people of higherintelligence they give out scholarships, and call themselves the leaders in global education, in order to trap others. The types of psychological torture practiced in these grounds vary from creating filthy living conditions to isolation.
Teanek[edit | edit source]
At this location all of the chemical testing is done. Plague infested rats are released onto the living quarters and food contaminated with various viral strands and poisons in fed to the test subjects. The subjects are lured into this field in the same matter as the other, see above.
Employment[edit | edit source]
To be an employee at the testing facility you are required to dress appropriately, see image, to the left,
I mean right, no left,no wait right, yeah to the left. Also notice the mustache worn by the employee. This isused to separate those who are actually employed by the facility from test subject who try to escape. FDU test site employees start out working heavy machinery, or not so heavy machinery, or invisible machinery, or imaginary machinery, depending on their specialization. Employees are then promoted until they become a burden then they are expected to swallow twenty cyanide pills or find some other way of suicide. Employees get paid minimum wage no exceptions, if an employee asks for a raise he is decapitated by Carrot Top. Other employees include a man eating goblin named Jubblecubble and a ghost which is named Fred.