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Flannelman in all his fucktarded glory.

Flannelman is the most pathetic attempt at a Superhero ever created. He is a comic book character who is, for some fucktarded reason, insanely popular. Nobody knows why. All they know is what you have yet to see.

The Character[edit | edit source]

Flannelman is passive agressive, meaning that he will say "go away" but won't do shit about it if you don't. He's also allergic to air, and, being flannel, lights on fire very fucking easily. Flannelman also dies in every fucking comic, except for one, which caused all the fanboys/girls to send many hate letters.

Personality[edit | edit source]

He's passive agressive, meaning he'll say something like "fuck off or I'll kill you with this lead pipe" but he won't, because he's a dumbass.

Number of issues[edit | edit source]

There are over 9000 issues so far.

Should I buy these comics?[edit | edit source]

FUCK NO! Do NOT buy this SHIT attempt of a comic. It will FUCK you up REAL bad. And words WILL randomly be capitalized FOR no good REASON.

The Son of a Bitch Creator(s)[edit | edit source]

Bert, one of the masterminds behind this shit attempt at a comic, has been identified. Hiding under the alias "dingnut" for some lame reason, his identiy was revealed after someone printed his name in the comic. Bert's friend, (name withheld) also helped with creating the character. Oh, look at that, we can't even name the friend.

Trial[edit | edit source]

A trial took place not too long ago, and it took 3 years for it to go through. 3...motherfucking... years. It first occured last Wednesday and during the trial, the good side (whatever the fuck that means) stated that it made no sense to hold a trial for a comic character. The other side stated that it was "so Shitacular even Oscar Wilde would cry". After 3 years, the two creators were sued, but kept making the comics.