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Hmm... well, welcome to my user page, whoever you are! <insert name here> probably... Always stopping by...

“His user name is fantabulate.”

~ Captain Obvious on Fantabulate

So far I have:

Added a bunch of pointless tags, quotes, links and pictures to make uncyclopedia all the more incomprehensible!

De-ICU-ed 2 article(s): Sir Hamsterlot Sniper

Currently repairing and/or writing 0 articles: But that'll change soon enough.

Created 0 article(s): ERROR: code invalid. Reformatting your hard drive. Please wait...

I would really appreciate someone explaining how to get a #$%@&@ contents thing to pop up easily.

If you have any comments for me, please post on my talk page.

Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.