User:Fanta lemon17

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This user is a whore to Microsoft and plays his video games on XboxLive with the GamerTag FourSwordz90
Chicken Shocker!.gif

Prints money.gif

NOTE: There are MAJOR boats between Bat Fuck Insane and Ape-Shit Crazy

Welcome fellow n00bs[edit | edit source]


Fanta Lemon here, the one of many of nicknames I have. I live in Stockport, England so I must be a crumpet obsessive, and also tea. And do you know what is really really funny? A man dressed in women's clothing. Hahaha, hmm, yes, hm, yes.

So, if a hot crumpet in Mrs Miggin's Tea-Shop costs 4 crumpets and I have 356 biscuits in my wallet, what day is it in France?

Some more information about me? Ummm, I like mudkips.

"Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!"

“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it will still be a pig.” ~ Barack Obama on Steve Ballmer


Win everything with crappy Chelsea.
I am British and I LOVE crumpets, and tea. ^-^

Random pictures with not funny quotes![edit | edit source]

Left 4 Dead[edit | edit source]

Basically, L4D is a group consisting of a grumpy old man (Bill), a jackass (Francis), Obama (Louis) and a zombie loving college student (Zoey). They have to stop Louis setting off car alarms, disturbing a witch and generally being a fuckwad. In addition, they have to fight off Rabies infected zombies, including five special zombies.

The Muppet Survivors

Bill Oldman.JPG Dodongo dislikes smoke, oops, wrong game. PILLS HERE!

Francis Balminator.jpg I hate Macs. I hate Nintendo. I have a Toshiba, but I hate that.

Louis Young-obama.jpg Vote for change, DON'T vote for Zombie Reagan.

Zoey Peachey.gif The voice of Zoey is also played by the same person who voices Princess Peach, so meh...

The Stupid Infected

Hunter Rabbit.jpg Under the Hunter's hood.

Smoker Tom cruise demon.gif Hahahahahahahaha, AHHHHHH!

Boomer Fat man mcdonalds.jpg Boomer Mac and Porn Fries please.

Tank Bloodpikachu.jpg Pika-RAWWWWW!

Witch Wake up.gif Do Not Disturb, an achievement you will never get.

Awesome New Games!![edit | edit source]

All of the must get games!

Snape on a nintendo plane.jpg

Scenes of Madchester[edit | edit source]

Stockport is located near Manchester, or Madchester as I call it. Here are a collection of the current scenes in Madchester.

I want to add more content, but I am either lazy or busy with something. Check back soon. --Fanta lemon17 13:36, 29 January 2009 (UTC)