User:ExplodingSoda/UnNews:Amazon Rainforest: 100% Deforested
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17 April 2012
Manaus, Brazil --
The Amzon Rainforest is now 100% Deforested, that means Ya mum cleared the Amazon Rainforest with a salary of US$100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. The Uncyclomedia Foundation paid 100 trillion (100,000,000,000,000) zim dollars to restore the Amazon rainforest. And Oscar Wilde send this letter to R.A.I.N. (Rainforest Activity In Nowhere)
- Dear Anon.
- We, the Uncyclomedia Foundation don't care about the deforesttation of the Amozon so please don't contact us @
--Oscar Wilde @ Censor your text
The Amozonian Empire[edit | edit source]
The Amazonian Empire (Native Brazillian: Empirenobodycaresamazoña) (Brazil creole: EmpireAmazon) is an empire that was created by Uncyclomedia Foundation to restore the rainforest
Restore it now[edit | edit source]
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