User:Dick Richards/Sharingan

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The sharingan is an eye disorder that makes your eyes red and gives you super powers, similar, but not limited to, Spiderman, Superman and the Winx club. It is exclusive to the Uchiha clan, which is a clan made up of ninja sausages. Symptoms of the sharingan include sore eyes, loud farts, lack of saliva and itchy balls. If you experience any of these symptoms then you must contact your local wizard immediately.

How do I treat my Sharingan?[edit | edit source]

In order to get rid of the sharingan, you must stop eating and drinking for 80 years. Or you could buy a special kind of cream for only $19.99 at Walmart.

Origin of the sharingan[edit | edit source]

The sharingan was first discovered by Norwegian navigator Fritjof Nansen circa 12 B. C. on his trip to Asia. What he thought was smurfs were actually the ninja sausages of the Uchiha clan. They tried their hardest to look cool in front of Nansen by not answering his questions and ignoring his attempts at communication. Infuriated by this, Nansen used his Viking instincts to wipe out their entire clan, except three of them because he was too lazy to finish the job.

Once he was back home, he cooked their corpses and fed them to his wife. When asked if he wanted some, he simply answered that he'd eat the neighbour's dog instead.