User:DeletedUser0001/The Totally Cool Top Secret Article i'm Writing

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HowTo: Not Be An NPC

We all know how it goes. One day you're out buying lugnuts to repair your lugnut dispenser only to find that you have no way of dispensing your newly purchased lugnuts, so you decide to walk in a preset path for a few thousand circles only for an obese one-eyed dingo faced man with an "I heart solipsism" T-shirt run up and stab you in the butt with an electric toothbrush. As you die and respawn back at the lugnut dispenser factory you think, "Gee, wouldn't it be great if I too were an obese, one-eyed dingo faced man with an 'I heart solipsism' T-shirt stabbing wanton individuals with an electric toothbrush? How do I get in on that gig?"

Well the truth is that's not going to happen because some stranger on the internet decided that you're not a real person. Instead you're more akin to a parrot saying,

"Squawk! I'm actually a person trapped in the body of a bird. The Matrix is real. I don't want to be here in a cage the rest of my life. Please I beg you, I'll take a Turing Test and everything, just for the love of God let me out of here. Rawrk!"

Nice try, parrot.

But what I can teach you is the 100% predictable and perfectly true formula to follow to not be an NPC.

Step 1: Find out Who is an NPC and Stop Acting Like Them.[edit | edit source]