User:DJ Irreverent/Metropolis
“It was, uh, alright... a bit to, ah, bourgeois for my liking, I guess you could, ah, say. Nothing beats Nihlistown though, absolutely, um, nothing.”
Brought to you by the fine people at Dystopia Developments, Metropolis is a community evocative of a kinder, more wholesome time when men were men, women were robots and films were seen and not heard. Yet it also contains the absolute best modern technology has to offer - German Expressionism at its finest[1] set in the heart of the suburbs.
Lifestyle[edit | edit source]
Metropolis is divided into three diverse "environs": one of planners or thinkers, free from the mindless distractions of prime-time TV and organized religion. Another of workers, free from the headache-inducing concerns of politics, economics and basic hygiene. There are also the ducks, but they tend to keep to the pond if you if give them enough bread. The community is presided over by Mayor Johann "Honest Joh" Fredersen; elected twice in a row, currently serving his 5th term.
Design[edit | edit source]
Babel Boutique Apartments Built upon the finest backs of the finest workers money can exploit. Absolute opulence... and then some - the Babel tower is the and thanks to the revolutionary Schüfftan building process you can look twice as pretentious for only four times the price... even in winter! Wealthy Heir's opinion ~
Le Maison-Travail Two bedrooms, five steam rooms and revolution-front views make this cozy family house perfect for work and You and your fellow work units[2] will love the varied activities we can provide you with; from operating dials to operating slightly larger dials. Finance a problem? With our repay-as-you-toil fixed loan options you will own your home in next to.. uh.. carry the 1.. to the power of 4.. sometime. Panicky Worker #14's opinion ~
Home of the Week Looking for the perfect place to make your hideous experiments but don't have the budget for a Transylvanian castle? Well you have found it... yeah its just around the corner... I could give you a map or something... However this one does have a Van de Graaff generator that doubles as a pool table. Lavishly appointed in the finest home-wares from such godless designers as Baron Üßêŗşĉħĭtżęŀ, Count Von Lederhosen and Ikea, this place provides the perfect base for you to work from. Family/Dungeon room possibilities! Rotwang's opinion ~
Testimonials[edit | edit source]In a recent survey we asked our residents what they like most about Metropolis...
Other Developments[edit | edit source]

Our premier retirement village on the east side. We realize how dangerous the modern city is, from pistol wielding youths to machete concealing newborns, all out to step on your perfectly manicured lawn.
So ensure your security we have installed surveillance screens in every room and done away with the whole free thought thing. And stairs. We have however kept only the best bits of modern life - cheap gin and daytime TV[4].
And thanks to our revolutionary neighborhood watch service any little ruffian even thinking about spray painting an unwholesome word on your doubleplusgood wall will be given a stern (but fair) talking to.
Sadly our planned expansion into land currently illegally occupied by the Eastasia Nursing Home is on hold as councilor Emmanuel Goldstein has taken every chance to block our our building application. However with 35 46 58 new villas opening each month it is more than enough to satisfy our happy customers.
Remember, Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery. Water is Peaceful.
Glade Runner
Our upcoming Los Angeles development providing the very best of modern, urban living. We have gone out of our way to replicate the best neighbors possible, from the Humble-working-family Model to the Crazy-old-lady-with-a-million-cats. With its vibrant underground scene Glade Runner - if nothing else - will remind you of how bad fashion was in the 80s.
Made available on 2 and 4 year timeshare models, it is guaranteed to create some great memories!
Contact Details[edit | edit source]
Metropolis is open for inspection every day (except for revolution season). Just call 97753331 and ask for Fritz, unless it's a Friday (when he has to pick his son up from soccer practice) then you should ask for Franz, unless its after 3pm (soccer practice) in which case you should seek Friedreik, but only after midday (contemplating the failings of capitalist society).