One day, in the magical kingdom of Uncyclopedia, emperor Oscar the Wilde was reigning very happily. Oscar had two main loves in his life: his subjects and his clothes. Oh how he adored his clothes, especially those he wore to his erotic parties! And his accessories too! His only wish was to have the best accessories in all the land. As a result, he was adored by all his peers and ruled very peacefully. However, one day, a stranger by the name of RC the Murphy entered and decided he would propose an offer Oscar could not refuse.
"I have this great offer for you," said RC the Murphy. I can make you a great new accessory for you to carry on you and impress many people. I need you to do two things first, though."
Oscar was very confused. "I have to do something?" he asked profoundly.
"Yes," RC said. You have to:
a) give me money, or
b) tell your freinds about my offer"
Oscar was confused, but he wondered what this strange garment would be called.
"A Euroipod," explained RC. "One of the finest products imported from the great land that is Europe.
(More will be filled in here)
But one child, named Nintendorulez saw through the trap and said out loud:
"Attention: Emperor. Put some fucking clothes on. I can see your wing-wong."