User:Chopemdown1234/Super China Buffet

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Super China Buffet is like AIDS, only worse. It starts by lurring in hobos when it first opens, attracting them with low costs and cheap cat meat. Because Super China Buffet is all you can eat, more and more hobos keep building up over time. When the Super China Buffet gets full, they close the doors, and slay the homeless people and salt the hides so they last longer. Next, the Super China Buffet will open again with higher prices, attracting old people and rich assholes who don't want to spend more than $11 on dinner and will say that their 12 year old son is 6 so that they can get $2 off for having a young child. With all of Super China Buffet's newly acquired hobo meat, they can afford to serve a bigger variety of dishes. This endless cycle will keep going untill eventually every one will have eaten pretty much every one else. However, there are ways to stop it, here are some of them;